Wilson Chain Grocery/Supermarket Locations, 1925-2015

This is a list of all chain grocery locations my research has uncovered in Wilson between 1925 and 2015, compiled from city directories, telephone books, and other sources. There may be some omissions due to incomplete or missing data, etc. and I welcome suggestions and corrections. Please read about my methodology for more information about what I do and do not include.

View and download a copy of this location spreadsheet via Google Sheets.


  • Wilson’s system of numbering and compass-point directions is baffling and exasperating, particularly since it has changed so much over time, so some of these addresses, (particularly the ones on Ward Boulevard) may be a bit off. I did what I could.
  • There is a listing for a Yellow Front store on Nash Street. Pender’s stores used this name at some points, but I suspect this one was not related to the chain. I do not know for sure.

Store tags:

    • A&P
    • Colonial/Big Star
    • Food Lion
    • IGA
    • Piggly Wiggly
    • Red & White
    • Super Duper
    • Thriftway
    • Winn-Dixie
Updated on 26 November 2022

One thought on “Wilson Chain Grocery/Supermarket Locations, 1925-2015

  1. phil

    January 1, 2022 at 10:12pm

    the save alot used to be a food world. the triangle at Corbett and Tilgman was a food lane store (independent).

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