Histories of a Few Select Chains

This section includes historical material on some national and regional chains in the US and Canada. These are individual history pages on various chains around the country that have some historical interest and on which I’ve done some research.

Please keep the following in mind:

  • I am not maintaining most of the chain histories as actively now as I used to be. Most of my work is focused on the location lists presented here, although I do try to add (or link) interesting information resources in this section as I find them.
  • This is not a list of every supermarket chain that’s ever existed in the US or Canada and it never will be.
  • Some pages have more information than others. Again, it is not my goal to document every chain that has ever existed in the United States or Canada, and it and only includes chains on which I have done some research.
  • If your favorite is not included, I encourage you to read about my methodology and maybe even submit a history to be included here.

In this section:

Additional resources:

Updated on 19 May 2024