This is a list of all chain grocery locations my research has uncovered in Johnstown between 1925 and 1960, compiled from city directories, telephone books, and other sources. There may be some omissions due to incomplete or missing data, etc. and I welcome suggestions and corrections. Please read about my methodology for more information about what I do and do not include.
View and download a copy of this location spreadsheet via Google Sheets.
- Johnstown is best known for the devastation caused by the 1889 flood, but it was a thriving city once again by the 1920s. However, its population peaked with the 1920 census and has declined by 72% over the past 100 years.
- The assorted Riverside/BiLo/Ideal after about 1995 or so become really hard to keep up with, particularly given that this is the point when the city directories also become less dependable. I’v done what I can and that’s all I’ll say!
Store tags:
- A&P
- American/Acme
- Cupp Grocery Co
- Giant Eagle
- Riverside/BiLo/Ideal
- Save-a-Lot
- Thorofare
Updated on 3 December 2022