
Spotlight on Atlanta, Georgia. The following logos are from the 17 August 1978 issue of the Atlanta Journal and Constitution. The newspapers combined publication that day due to a blackout downtown. The actual newspaper was only four pages, but the food sections had apparently already been printed and were included in their entirety.

The Big Apple and Food Giant chains have been discussed on the Message Board.


A&P would remain a fairly major player in Atlanta until 1999, when it sold many of its stores to Publix.


Big Star, built on the foundation of Colonial Stores, was purchased by Grand Union in 1978. The Atlanta division lasted longer than the rest of Big Star, until 1992, when most of the stores were sold to A&P. Big Star also operated the food departments of Richway discount department stores, in much the same way that Colonial had operated Kmart Food stores in some areas.


Kroger is the only one of the 1978 chains to still have operations in Atlanta.


I really don’t know anything about Thriftown and Big Buy.


And we all know about Winn-Dixie. Enough said.