This isn’t really history-related, but my closest local Lowes Foods is closing and will be replaced by a Compare Foods branch soon. I’m a big fan of Lowes in general, but this was a rather creepy and uninviting location, and I think the new tenant may be a big improvement. It’s a pretty good deal for MDI as well; since they own Lowes and supply Compare, they get to keep making money off the location without actually having to operate it.

Anyhow, I just thought I’d throw in that bit of local color and flavor to give you a glimpse into the place yer humble host lives nowadays.

Hi all. It’s been a crazy couple of months, and I apologize for the fact that the website suffered as my betrothed and I relocated and bought out first house in Winston-Salem NC recently. So it’s goodbye Harris-Teeter on Central, hello Harris-Teeter on Cloverdale.

Now that I no longer live there, I’m finally posting the final pages of the Charlotte section. Today’s covers the 1980s, and it’s the most interesting and complex one of the bunch, I think.

The 1990s and other assorted updates will be coming tonight and in the coming days, I hope.

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