Purity and Safeway, Yreka CA


Yreka, California: a Safeway and a Purity side by side. I have no real commentary or anything; I just saw this picture on eBay a little while back and thought it was cool..

One thought on “Purity and Safeway, Yreka CA

  1. Jeff

    June 21, 2013 at 10:02pm

    I worked for a gentleman that used to be a manager at these stores. His name was Don Madden. He was a long time grocer in Yreka and when he ran his own store, Wacker’s Grocery, in Yreka, he offered home delivery and allowed people to use a credit account and pay up once a month. I learned a great deal from him about customer service.

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    • Rebecca J

      May 8, 2023 at 9:15am

      I remember those days! Loved to go into Wackers and buy candy cigarettes and those crazy flavored wax lips! Lol! Don Madden was a Stand up man! Very friendly and treated even children like they were very important customers!

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      • Rebecca J

        May 8, 2023 at 9:18am

        I must say…I don’t recall the Safeway store being next door. As memory serves me or doesn’t, Safeway was further up the street . Value Giant right next door. Thoughts?

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  2. Stuart Davis

    April 13, 2024 at 10:15am

    This looks more like Eureka, California to me.

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