J.W. Crook Grocery

Just added a major address list for Baltimore, including over 900 locations from 1924-1964, with a few caveats:

  • No city directories were published in Baltimore between 1942 and 1956, nor at any time after 1964. I will try at some point to “fill in” with telephone directories, but they tend to be less accurate.
  • I am temporarily missing listings for several chains (Acme, A&P, Peoples, and Eddie’s) from a couple of the later years due to my own oversight. I will correct this as soon as I can.
  • There have been significant renaming and renumbering of streets in Baltimore; I have tried to compensate for this and display the current address where possible, but I have not been able to do so in every case.

(Photo above from Enoch Pratt Free Library.)


I spent the weekend in Baltimore. If you follow me on Twitter, you saw a pretty amazing collection of photos from around the city–not amazing because I’m such a great photographer but because there’s so much supermarket history still standing in Baltimore and so much of it is in such recognizable condition. Acme, Food Fair, A&P, Penn Fruit, and more. It’s all there. I did library research as well and there will be much more soon.

But do check out the past few days on Twitter…really.

(Photo above is from an item in the Maryland Department, Enoch Pratt Free Library.)