OK, so maybe I wasn’t on the radio a few weeks back as stated. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but I’ll update you if I get any more news…


Anyhow, for those who care, I’m working fast and furiously on my new Charlotte section, which is promising to be the most thoroughly researched yet…

If you have any information for me, please let me know. I’m especially light on vintage photos, so these are particularly appreciated, as are additions to the list of stores I’ve compiled. Note that there is no information for the years between 1992 and 2005. I’m working on it; so far I’ve been unable to uncover city directories for these years…

I’ve also been adding some random bits and pieces to the San Francisco section, not to mention Safeway and Lucky to reflect some recent research…


It’s officially all over for the Alma Plaza Lucky now, I suppose. It was scheduled to close on Thursday, and I made it by for a few final photos last Sunday. I’m definitely sorry to see this one go.

I’ve been busily organizing all my assorted newspaper and magazine articles into a Filemaker database lately, which means I haven’t really been working on the site very much. But it should make later updates (and the long-pondered book) much easier.

In addition, I’ve been trying to get all the Northern California photos I can before leaving the Golden State forever at the beginning of June. Suggestions are welcome, as are pointers to things I should see on the road back east. Our stops are tentatively planned for Palm Springs, Phoenix, Austin, Houston, and New Orleans. We may also take breaks in El Paso, Atlanta, and/or Jacksonville before arriving in Groceteria’s new home of Charlotte NC.