Photo galleries added for Norfolk/Tidewater, Myrtle Beach, and Montréal, and updates to Toronto.

Photo galleries added for Norfolk/Tidewater, Myrtle Beach, and Montréal, and updates to Toronto.
My sincerest apologies for the long disappearance. Several major work and family emergencies have pretty much taken over my life for the past few months and the site has been a pretty low priority. But I’m starting to see some daylight now and I have a bit of new content to add. For now, it’s just two new location lists: one for Myrtle Beach SC and one for the Norfolk/Tidewater Area of Virginia. I hope to add some photos for both of these this weekend. And I hope to do a lot more than that over the next few weeks.
Interesting trip to Norfolk VA and the Tidewater area this past weekend while I was having all the domain problems. It’s a fascinating place that I plan to visit again soon for a more detailed research excursion. But here are two shots from this weekend:
The first is a former Food Fair location on Little Creek Road in Norfolk. Its exterior is quite well preserved, despite having been recycled as a Dollar Tree location. This is actually one of the first former Food Fairs I’ve actually seen “live and in person”, and I hope to visit more soon.
The second is related since it’s pretty obviously a former Food Fair-owned J.M. Fields department store. This one is apparently about to be torn down; it sits right next to the area that Virginia Beach is redeveloping as the “downtown” it never really had. I assume it’s been abandoned a long time, as it still amazingly bears the logo of the long-defunct HQ (Home Quarters) chain, which hasn’t existed in more than fifteen years, if I recall correctly.