Search Testing

The content on Groceteria comes from three primary sources: the main site, the message board, and the Google Sheets that generate the location lists. Right now, you can’t search across all those. The easiest (and free) way to accomplish that is to add a custom Google search to the site. I don’t love that option (especially the look and feel and the ads) but I’m testing different things and this is thing number one.

Try this and let me know what you think.

It’s an external link because I don’t want to take it live as a search box on the site yet.

One thought on “Search Testing

  1. Tim Kynerd

    February 13, 2023 at 3:45am

    I just did a test search and it worked well, aside from the fact that the first few results were advertisements that had nothing to do with Groceteria.

    I assume this would not be the case if this were a live search on the Groceteria site.

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      February 13, 2023 at 7:45am

      Actually, those would still appear at the top of the search results, which is the reason I’m a little iffy about using Google search. But it’s free, and it does work if you skip past all the paid results.

      Anyway, still looking at options. Thanks!

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