Updates since, uh, the last update

I haven’t been chatty lately, but I have added new stuff over the past couple of months.

New location lists:

BIG updates:

I’m especially excited about the Toronto updates. This was a major expansion helped along by access I now have to a lot more digitized material that has allowed me to fill in a good number of franchise and other gaps. Toronto is one of my “adopted hometowns” and is one of the places I want to give a special focus to, so there will be more to come. I’ll be adding more photos and also expanding the timeline.

One thought on “Updates since, uh, the last update

  1. Justin Karimzad

    May 23, 2023 at 10:17pm

    A-HA! Eat your heart out Bob Barker, Loblaw’s had that catchphrase before your game show did!

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